Terms & Conditions
Welcome to the website www.unibostore.it, UNIBO official online shop. The products purchased on the Website are directly sold by Macron E-Commerce & Retail SRL a company registered at the Bologna C.C.I.A.A., no. 523149 of the Register of Companies, Fiscal Identification Code – VAT Registration Number no. 03488031208, which has its office at Via Brodolini, 5 – 40053 Crespellano Valsamoggia (BO).
Please read these General Terms and Conditions of Sale carefully before purchasing any products through the Website. Requests for information should be made through our customer care, sending an email to [email protected] .
The term “Site” refers to the internet site www.unibostore.it, dedicated to the sale of official merchandising items for UNIBO. The term “Customer” refers to the subject (either physical or juridical person) making a purchase from the site, in respect of the following general sale conditions.
The term “Macron E-commerce & Retail srl” refers to Macron E-Commerce SRL a company registered at the Bologna C.C.I.A.A., no. 523149 of the Register of Companies, Fiscal Identification Code – VAT Registration Number no. 03488031208, which has its office at Via Brodolini, 5 – 40053 Crespellano Valsamoggia (BO). Macron E-Commerce & Retail srl is an official seller of UNIBO The term “Order” refers to the request form of the goods on sale, filled in by the Customer on the Site. The term “Products” refers to the goods on sale on the Site according to the following general sale conditions. The term “Customized Products” refers to the goods that are customized at the Customer’s request. The term “Price” refers to the corresponding amount to be paid for the goods on sale. The term “Contract” refers to the remote sale contract whose object is the sale of the product, regulated by these general sale conditions. The term “Parties” refers to Macron E-Commerce & Retail srl and to the Customer.
Products are sold according to the terms and conditions provided by the contract published on the site at the moment of the order.
The contract is concluded and binding for both parties when the order confirmation is forwarded, by Macron E-Commerce & Retail srl, to the e-mail address indicated by the customer during the registration to the site.
On the site there are products on sale that can be customized upon request; their creation is subject to the customer’s previous request, which has to be carried out following the instructions supplied by the site. Customized products (match jersey with player or personal name and number, match jersey with patch, shorts with number) can be paid in advance only. The withdrawal right from the purchase contract for the above-mentioned customized products will not be allowed, except for reasons not dependent on the customer will (faulty goods, mistake in processing the order). The withdrawal right from the purchase contract for the above-mentioned customized products will not be allowed, except for reasons not dependent on the customer will (faulty goods, mistake in processing the order). Articles on the site and their prices are subject to change without notice.
Macron E-Commerce & Retail srl will arrange for courier delivery of the products ordered to the address specified in the order by the customer.
The product delivery will take place within 24-48 hours for Italy, within 48-72 hours for Europe, within 3 or more working days for no-EU countries (always 24 hours after the order has been registered). The delivery dates indicated on the site are merely approximate and not binding for Macron E-Commerce & Retail srl. In the event one or more articles should be out of stock after the order, Macron E-Commerce & Retail srl will proceed to deliver the remaining articles ordered by the customer. The partial delivery of the ordered products will still be valid and the customer will not be entitled to refuse the delivery. In case of payment in advance, a solution will be arranged with the customer for the compensation of the lacking item.
At the time of delivery, the ownership and the risks relative to product transportation are transferred to the customer.
To ensure timely delivery of your purchase before Christmas, orders must be placed no later than 18/12/2020 (Europe & UK) - 16/12/2020 (Int). Delivery before Christmas cannot be guaranteed for any orders placed after 18/12/2020 (Europe & UK) - 16/12/2020 (int).
For purchasing on www.unibostore.it, it is not mandatory to register on website. Anyway, the user can choose to make the registration: it is free, fast and does not imply any purchase obligation. At the first order, the user will be automatically registered and he will receive a generic password. It will be able to be changed immediately through the link shown in the confirmation e-mail. The customer is responsible for providing complete, correct and true data relative to personal information, personal address and, in general terms, all other information useful to execute the order.
The customer is responsible for paying the price of the purchased products and for keeping a copy of the purchase order confirmation, sent by Macron.com to the e-mail address provided by the customer during the registration to the site.
Prices are expressed in Euros (€) and include the in-force VAT (Value Added Tax) that varies according to the different article typologies.
For any announcement of a price reduction, Macron indicates - in accordance with the provisions of art. 17 bis Cod. Cons. (d.lgs., 6.9.2005, no. 206) in implementation of Directive 27/11/2019, no. 2019/2161/EU - also the prior price, meaning by prior price the lowest price applied to the generality of consumers in the thirty days prior to the application of the price reduction. At the same time, in the case of progressively increased price reduction during the same sales campaign without interruption, the prior price applied shall mean the price without the reduction prior to the first application of the price reduction.
The resulting total price at the end of the purchase procedure is inclusive of transport charges, but does not include custom duties and possible additional charges on the sale price, necessary in order to import goods in a foreign country. Any supplementary charges relative to clearance procedures shall be paid exclusively by the recipient.
Payment will have to be in full: for credit card and PayPal payments, in placing the order on website (Italy and foreign countries). All orders are subject to verification. Macron E-Commerce srl reserves the right to request for identification documents in certain cases. Therefore, Customer Care could contact customers to obtain more details on payments before the order is confirmed. If the customer fails to send the required documents within 72 hours, the order will be deleted and standard reimbursement for the paid amounts will be issued.
The parties will not be responsible for the delay in the fulfilment of their obligation, in conformity with the contract, if the delay is caused by circumstances beyond their reasonable control. The party that is late due to force majeure will be entitled to have a term extension necessary to fulfil such obligations.
Trademarks, logos and other distinguishing marks of any kind used in the site pages belong to their respective owners. It is prohibited to unauthorised third parties to use the trademarks, logos and other distinguishing marks, including their reproduction on other internet sites. Contents, such as information, text, graphics and images within the site are protected by copyright.
The withdrawal right, in compliance with the Legislative Decree dated 6.9.2005 no. 206 art. 52, lies in the customer’s right to back out of the contract by returning the purchased products, with a consequent price refund or goods replacement.
The withdrawal right is applied to the physical person who acts for purposes not referable to his eventual carried out professional activity; for this reason the purchases carried out by retailers and companies are excluded from this right.
The withdrawal right can be exercised by sending a written communication to Macron E-Commerce & Retail srl within the following 14 days. The communication must be sent by e-mail to the following address: [email protected]
The essential condition to exercise the withdrawal right is to return the purchased items in a good preservation state, without removing the original labels. The returned items must be accurately packed in order to protect the original covers from any damage, writing or labelling.
The customer can require:
• the product price’s refund
Refunds of articles generally take around 7 days from the moment the returned goods have been received and inspected. The refund does not include transport charges, both for delivery as well as for the replacement of goods.
No replacements or refunds are possible for customized products (jerseys or shorts with name /or number, with badges, with initials, except if faulty or damaged); for underwear and swimsuits; for match jerseys if the player leaves the club or changes the squad number). Discounted products (seasonal sale or special promotions) are not refundable. A replacement of the item or a voucher of the same value to be spent on the next purchase are granted. Please be advised that during the Christmas period, changes will be made to current return policies in order to provide customers with better service.
We have temporarily extended our return period. For all purchases made after February 14, 2020, the return policy is extended to 60 days.
All purchases made between 01/12/2017 and 23/12/2017 can be returned up to 08/01/2018. This extension does not apply to any orders placed from countries outside the EEC. For the latter, the existing return policy will continue to apply. Products must be returned by the customer within 14 days from the date of receipt.
The data provided by the customer and necessary for the regular execution of the contract will be processed in compliance with the provision of the 2003 Legislative Decree no. 196 regarding “Personal Data Protection”. For further information, please see the “Privacy” section.
The contract replaces all the contracts, the agreements and the understandings that previously existed between the parties. It constitutes, together with the order, the general conditions relative to the use of the site and the conditions relative to the registration service, as well as the full agreement between the parties as regards the object of the contract. Any change or alteration of the contract will have to be accepted in writing by both parties.
All communications between the parties will have to be made in writing and forwarded to the address of the other party indicated in the contract and in the order. All the communications forwarded to the address of the other party – indicated on the site and in the order – by means of electronic mail, will be considered in writing.
All communications affecting the validity or the existence of this agreement will have to be exclusively delivered by hand or sent by recorded delivery letter with proof of delivery.
The sale contract is drawn up in Italian, English, French and Spanish languages. The Italian language version will prevail in case of any discrepancy.
For any controversy deriving from the contract or related to it, the Competent Court will be the customer’s place of residence court, if the customer is a consumer according to the law in force. For any other case, exclusively the Court of Bologna (Italy). The contract will be regulated and interpreted in compliance with Italian laws. The parties acknowledge that the application to this contract of the United Nations Agreement on the contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly ruled out.